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You have within you a
deep quiet knowing 
guiding you at all times


Transformative Coaching

You are Wise, Well and Whole. This is your default setting. When you live your life from here, everything starts to line up.

You begin to experience more ease, coherence and joy in your life.


You experience greater flow in your work, wealth, health and relationships.

You begin to experience profound and effortless transformation.


Fears, insecurities, difficulty making decisions, ongoing conflicts and dramas - they all start to ease away.  You no longer feel pulled down by obstacles, challenges and internal and external pressures. 

You find that you have within you all that you need to beautifully navigate your life.

As your personal coach, I help you to reconnect your outer world to your inner wisdom.

Rachel Singleton
Forest and river scene

You came here with Purpose.
You are not broken; you are Whole.
You have Innate Wellbeing.

The journey back to living in the Knowing
of this
is both extraordinary
and life-changing.

Transformative Coach versus Life Coach

In the busyness and chaos of daily life, it is easy to lose sight of your true nature, to become bogged down by details and suffering from feelings of anxiety, stress, frustration and confusion. So much can seem to be in need of fixing.

A Life Coach is there to offer their expertise to help you fix things in your life that feel wrong. However, here's the secret:

there is always going to be something that feels wrong and needs fixing until you understand how your experience of life is created.

As a Transformative Coach, my role is to help you remember that you are innately wise, well and whole, and that you can access your own unique answers and solutions at all times in all situations:

  • You have an inner Health Sense that guides your wellbeing

  • You have work to do in the world that is aligned with your Spiritual Vision

  • You have an innate capacity for Insight and for transcending problems

  • Your Deep Self guides your life every moment of every day

  • Your soul will use any circumstance to Expand and Evolve

  • Your essence is Love


If you are struggling to see any of this then I would love to help you

Three Principles Coaching

The Three Principles is a simple, but life-changing, psychological and spiritual understanding based on the insightful realisations of a very ordinary man, a Scottish welder, called Sydney Banks. Syd had an enlightenment experience in 1973 which he foresaw would change the very practice of psychology: he saw how every single experience we have is created, and he spent the rest of his life sharing what he learned.

The Three Principles of Mind, Thought and Consciousness are now known the world over, and this understanding is spreading rapidly. It is now being shared in prisons, primary schools, universities, doctors surgeries, corporations and therapy rooms. 


Three Principles Coaching will help you begin to discover the difference between living from a busy mind, and living from your innate awareness. You will discover what happens when you begin to recognise and drop your worried thinking, and tune into a deeper, quieter place within yourself, navigating your life from here.

Coaching Services

1-2-1 Coaching


Experience the power of sitting in your own wisdom, and being skillfully guided to hear your own deeper truth. 


Choose from

a single session or a series of 6 sessions

Journey of Love 1-2-1 Coaching Intensive

Premium coaching package which offers you a profound 6 month 1-2-1 coaching journey to align your life to the energy and wisdom of Love.

Three Principles Foundations

A 6 month training in the Three Principles for your personal interest and wellbeing.

Explore online, 1-2-1, in a programme adapted and tailored to your needs to give you a confident foundation in the 3Ps.

Three Principles Coach and Master Coach Trainings

Professional 3Ps Coach training, 1-2-1, fostering a confident understanding of the 3Ps, and easeful potent sharing with clients.

Advanced 'Master' Course available to deepen your skills further.

"Be clear on your goal and it will all just gently fall into place under Rachel's guidance. 


She creates a safe and supportive space in which you will flourish, bringing out the best in you.


You will learn skills that you can apply time and time again. It's like a new way of being and will continue to support you throughout life's ups and downs."

- Shelagh Cumming

Rachel is a true teacher of transformation. She embodies and radiates the Divine, loving energy of the Universe and gently, yet potently, shows you how to do this for yourself. She has guided me to feel, for myself, how this mysterious energy seeks only for us to thrive. Its benevolence and truth is the force behind all of our lives.

My life is unrecognisable compared to before I met Rachel. I now can choose to live from a deeply established sense of Presence within myself and find my life radiating out from that place.

- Kate Seren

"Rachel really sees you and is a skilled guide who knows how to point you back to your inner wisdom. She is gentle, loving and caring and holds the most beautiful space within which I've had many insights."

- Vicki Montague

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