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Background of yellow summer flowers


For coaches, health practitioners, therapists, healers,
business entrepreneurs, change-makers 
and soul weavers. 


PLEASE NOTE: Rachel is currently on sabbatical for six months from
February to July 2025
For coaching later this year, please enquire from late June onwards

Coaching Services


If you are on this page then you are embarking on, or in the midst of, a process of transformation and transcendence. You are leaving behind an old self and coming more fully into the expression of who you really are. You are deepening your ability to recognise, heed and live from your wisdom. You want to align your outer world to this inner wisdom.


I am here to help you with this. 



If you feel drawn to work with me you are:


  • Open to the possibility of greater joy, ease and flow in your life 

  • Ready for (or in the middle of) a profound transformation and wishing to navigate this from your wisdom

  • Aware that the way your world will change is from within You

  • Open to transcending previous limitations

  • Seeking to potentise your work, relationships health and/or wealth and to live life at a more expansive and conscious level

  • Ready to deepen your relationship with your own wisdom

  • Committed to discovering your true potency - and living your life from here

cluster of wild roses

"When a true realisation takes place, it's not the knowledge from one's intellectual understanding, rather, it's a glimmer from the spiritual intelligence that guides one's direction from within."  

Sydney Banks



Before booking to work with me, let's have a conversation to ensure that we are a good match for each other.

I want to get to know you, to find out more about your needs, the kind of support you want, and your sense of where you are and where you want to be. You can use this time to get to know me and to see if you feel like I am the right person for you. 

The initial exploration session is 20 minutes. There is no obligation to work with me after this time, and I will not put you under pressure; however, please only book a session if this is a genuine enquiry. 


Wild Flowers

We are sentient beings, living in a mystical Universe rich with sensory information. Life touches us at all levels at all times.


We do not want to escape, suppress or fear this.

We want to harness this. 



The time we have together will be sacred time. A time outside of time. 

Here, we will be entering a space of quantum energy where we will explore beyond what is possible. 

Sydney Banks talked about the principle of Universal Mind - the infinite intelligence that is within all of Life. This is within you and it is within me. These sessions are time for you to plug into Infinite Intelligence and let it guide you. 


In our time together, this is what I will ask of you:

  • That you give yourself time and space to settle before our session so that you are already tuned in to yourself before we start. 10 -20 minutes of quietness is enough.

  • That you arrive on time.

  • Find yourself a space that is peaceful and quiet, and free of distractions and interruptions. 

  • Silence your notifications, and stop them pinging up on your screen whilst we talk - on the device we are using, and on the devices you have near you. 

  • Come with an open mind and an open heart, ready to meet yourself at the deepest level. 

  • You open to the possibility that this is a space where you will not ever need to speak negatively about yourself, put yourself down or apologise for yourself. 


This is what I offer you:

  • My whole presence. My complete attention to your inner being and your true nature. 

  • Acceptance of where you are, and curiosity about where you wish to go and how you wish to be. 

  • A commitment to listening from the depths of my being to the depths of yours.

  • A space that is quiet, deep, safe and scintillating with energy and wisdom. 


"If the only thing that people learned was to not be afraid of their experience, that alone would change the world." 

Sydney Banks


FEES:  2024



Please note that I will be taking an extended sabbatical from the end of 2024. I am still seeing clients - old and new - until this time for 6 session- and 12 session- coaching packages (see below).

Do get in touch if you would like to take this opportunity to work with me before I go on sabbatical.



Over the past year, I have heard from several of you that you would like coaching but have felt unable to afford my fees. I remember being in this position myself, and I know and appreciate the value of having coaching in one's life. In response, I lowered my charges in 2023 and created a three tier payment system. 


The three tier payment system allows someone on a lower income to take advantage of lower prices. I recommend that you choose the tier that is affordable to you, yet reflects the value you place on these sessions and on your own transformation. The value you accord this work will act to 'potentise' these sessions, enabling you to get the most from them. 

My standard rate is £1350 (Tier 1), but I occasionally have spaces available at the lower tiers for those on a lower income. Please enquire if you would appreciate one of these packages instead.

Tier 1: £1350 




(Tier 2: £995, Tier 3: £795 - please contact me to check for availability if you would like Tier 2 or Tier 3.


Fees are paid in full prior to starting and no refunds are issued after this time.



I am not offering single sessions at this time. 


If you have already been through a 6 session coaching package with me and wish to go deeper,

you may be interested in the

JOURNEY OF LOVE - a profound 6 month experiential reconnection to the Love within.



close-up of a beautiful pink and gold flower

'It’s hard to articulate the potent and resonant peace that Rachel exudes. Rachel’s quality of tone and exquisite command of words is such that I suspect she could calm a raging elephant bull with little more than a few sentences.


Rachel has been both trusted council and supportive educator for me over many years. Each experience has been as vital and pertinent as the last, and each contact has brought some deep insight that has gone on to reverberate through the following days and weeks. Not always comfortable . . .  but usually devastatingly on point!'

- Gareth Wilkins

"Working with Rachel, I feel heard, held, and met at the whole being level.  


Rarely have I met someone who does not only facilitate transformation in others but is also an embodiment of loving presence themselves. 


Rachel creates and holds a potent, vibrant and abundant space. Here, I can easily step beyond my personal thinking into an inner place humming with creativity and possibilities.


There is more clarity of thinking and effective decision-making in all aspects of my life, relationships, and career. There is little lag between making a decision and taking the appropriate action. 


My clinical days are not only easier but many more patients are feeling better. And I generally feel a more sustainable and constant level of ease and loving presence."




- Dr Hung Tran

"Rachel is a true teacher of transformation. She embodies and radiates the Divine, loving energy of the Universe and gently, yet potently, shows you how to do this for yourself.


She has guided me to feel, for myself, how this mysterious energy seeks only for us to thrive. Its benevolence and truth is the force behind all of our lives.


My life is unrecognisable compared to before I met Rachel. I now can choose to live from a deeply established sense of Presence within myself and find my life radiating out from that place.



- Kate Seren

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