Rachel Singleton

The Mastery Circle
The Mastery Circle is open to a small group of practitioners who wish to take their work, service, offerings and income to the next level.
Together, we co-create a circle of loving support and encouragement.
Here you will be guided to sit in your Mastery, explore your evolutionary edge and settle into your true potency as a practitioner.
Next intake: Autumn 2022
There are many groups and courses for BEGINNERs,
but where do you go for ongoing support and stimulus when you are developing EXCELLENCE and stepping into MASTERY?
What happens when you have navigated past beginner's issues and mistakes?
When you no longer hold to the belief that you are some kind of 'impostor', and no longer wish to focus on what you 'cannot' do?
Where do you go when you want to develop potency, refine your offerings and service, and give yourself deeply to Love?
When you want to explore your evolutionary edge, and expand into new terrains, enter new paradigms in your work and understand more of your essential nature?
When you wish to regularly mastermind with others who are also at this scintillating edge of discovery and possibility, so that you can support and stimulate each other?
There is a whole world of wonder that you can sense and touch - how do you access this more fully?
Welcome to the Mastery Circle:
an Advanced Practitioner circle offering
8 months of peer and personal support each year
Starts September 2022
Applications opening soon
Contact Rachel to receive more information when it becomes available

about this programme supports
your flourishing and
your blossoming

Who is the Mastery Circle for?
You sense you can be of truly profound service and that you are on the cusp of stepping into something amazing in your life
You have come to the powerful and gentle realisation that you no longer need to play small - in your work or in your life
You wish to flourish and thrive, and do this without feeling like you have to sell your soul
You wish to have support and fellowship on this journey - to be heard, seen and stimulated
You wish to leave behind an old paradigm of struggle, effort and suffering, and step into something potent, light-filled and resonant - and you want to bring your clients with you
You wish to experience fulfilment, satisfaction, abundance and joy on a daily basis, and to kindle this light in others
You know that the book of wisdom is to be found within your own being and you wish to live a life of self-trust and wonder as you explore the wisdom that is available to you

When we talk about Mastery we are not talking about the ego.
Mastery requires profound humility.
It is a letting go of all that you think that you are.
It is letting go of what you think you know to make space for wisdom.
It is becoming utterly available to the scintillating energy of Now and finding freedom in the unknown.
What is Included in the Mastery Circle?
Over the course of 8 months, Rachel will lead a monthly teaching session to prompt you to explore and develop your awareness and skills. You will experience a monthly peer support session with your group where you can explore anything that feels relevant for you in your work and life, and where our aim as a group is to help you sit in your mastery. You will have a 60 minute individual coaching session from Rachel every month for individual reflection and support. You will have a private online space to connect with the rest of the group between sessions to develop connections and Mind storm.
(Additional sessions with Rachel are available at a discounted rate)
Mastery Circle Payment Options:
OPTION 1: 8 month Mastery Circle with 1 monthly personal session with Rachel for the 8 months: £3000
Includes twice monthly Mastery Circle group meetings online, 1 monthly 60 minute personal mentoring session with Rachel and access to the private Mastery Circle group members between sessions.
Maximum of 8 people
SPECIAL OFFER: 2 places available at 50% discount for Holistic Healer and Practitioners in Presence Graduates for this year only
OPTION 2: 8 month Mastery Circle with 6 months Wisdom Apprenticeship with Rachel (only 3 remaining places available for this option): £6500
Includes twice monthly Mastery Circle group meetings online, Apprenticeship to Wisdom sessions and support from Rachel, and access to the private Mastery Circle group members online space between sessions.
Application Process
Applications open at 9am on Tuesday 16th August.
Please email Rachel to get in touch (N.B: Rachel is away until mid August).
Once Rachel is back, you will receive an application form and a choice of dates so that you can meet Rachel online to discuss your application.
Payment is due in full within 7 days of confirmation of a place or 10 days before the course commences (whichever is soonest).
No refunds are issued once payment is received.