Rachel Singleton
Resources: Sept 2021
Welcome to the Resources Page for Month One of the Holistic Healer Training.
The links to the recordings of the first day's teachings are available to watch on Vimeo, or you can download the audio from Google Drive. You can access them as follows:
Video Files: https://vimeo.com/showcase/8847411
Enter password: hygeia
Audio Recordings: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1L5wTzyHcTJI8mcUxHwB3CvMyiFSnqhq4?usp=sharing
PDFs from Ian's Presentation
PRESENTATION: The Holistic Pardigm
PDFs from Rachel's Presentation
PRESENTATION: Holistic Health - A Richness of Choice
Resources Mentioned
This weekend a couple of resources came up:
Sarah Tyers in conversation with Vicki Montague speaking about her realisations around health and treatment options on her journey to recover from cancer. This is part of Vicki's 'Hopeful Conversations' series and the whole series is a great resource as she talks to a variety of people about their insights and experiences when facing serious illness.
There was also mention of the wonderful book by Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me.